Sunday, January 2, 2011

Indiana Unemployment

There are many problems for the legislature that the legislature address begins this Wednesday.
But few have to be treated - to create a budget readjustment of Congress and state for the next decade, and try again faced with a collapse of the system of unemployment insurance.
These three issues are likely to dominate the General Assembly, which ends in April. Here is a summary outlining the key elements of each debate:
State budget two years to 30 June and the legislature needs to plan a new spending two years on approved prior to that date.
The latest data show an increase in tax revenue than expected, and should the task a little easier. But the legislature still dealing with income equal to that in five years. This means that some sections should be made - perhaps as much as 500 million U.S. dollars - and spending should remain stable.
"It's certainly our biggest challenge," said Senate President Pro Tem David Long, R-Fort Wayne. "We will find a way to find, without raising taxes while protecting funding for K-12 education to do."
Some areas of the budget to grow automatically, such as pension obligations of the state Medicaid program and the growth, medical care for the elderly, disabled and poor. This means that to find the cuts and efficiency must hold to spend elsewhere.
Sen. Luke Kenley, R Noblesville, chief architect of the Senate Budget and negotiators, they said the Medicaid optional services, such as chiropractors, podiatrists and dental benefits for adults. But federal rules require "maintenance of effort" could play this to the table.
He said that the state can not reduce Medicaid reimbursement rates for providers, because they are so low that the state struggling to find doctors to participate.
Kenley also said that the work of budgeting made easier when the Republicans took control of the House by a wide margin of 60-40.
"We started with a budget very similar philosophy, so that the negotiations are very much closer," he said.
Governor Mitch Daniels this budget in comparison when he came to power in 2005, taking into account the first priority is to slow spending as a whole and give priority to the maintenance of education expenditure.
The Democrats have some say, but did not vote either House to block Republican initiatives.
Communities of interest. Boxes. Minority districts.
Here are some phrases that you hear in the coming months as legislators of the new census data used to adjust the boundaries of the nine districts of the State in Congress, 100 districts and 50 counties in the Senate chamber.
detailed demographic data on the labor end of February, so that the process started late and fast means of planning required.
Senator may move to maps of the Lower House, while their art in the house. They will work together within the Congress.
Republicans in both chambers, with Daniel hired a couple maps. But it's hard to know what that means.
"I know a card when I see it worked. Those who fail to recognize hard," the governor said. "I know it will not work My job is to referee -. He said" do not do anything for me, which of course is unacceptable. "
Daniels and others say the current maps established for political purposes. This means the use of models to choose from districts security or solid form, to draw on some or the other.
Long said that in the whole neighborhood wants, to better follow the lines and geographic communities of interest, and the changes do not dilute minority representation.
He said that in considering the appropriate addresses the process - and that's sometimes as a way to ensure that incumbents do not criticized in the same district over.
However, Long said the United States Supreme Court has signed this factor as their own.
"Having someone who has voted to remain a representative of an appropriate consideration," he said. "I can not say that any owner should be protected, but not bad to look at. One should not feel automatically, which is wrong."
Daniels said the new division of the hardest of the three most important issues that need to be approved can.
"People are people," he said, noting a tendency to make changes to your advantage.
The legislature has a swing third fixing the deficit of the state unemployment insurance.
"It's a problem without solution," said Daniels noted that companies are likely to pay more and some adjustments must be made to benefits.
Companies pay taxes in a trust fund for unemployment insurance based on their history of layoffs and the taxable wages of their employees. The fund then pays benefits if you are rejected Hoosier employees. Indiana has had a structural imbalance in the background - more than they collected - since 2000. The imbalance has been eating a surplus of government trust funds, even before the recession struck and consumed all the funds. Indiana began to borrow money from the federal government to pay claims in late 2008 and currently has about 2 billion.
Legislature in 2009 passed a huge tax increase to pay for the company to begin in 2010. But the legislature decided in 2010 to prevent the increase in the fear of higher taxes to create jobs delay.
Companies are starting to pay increased taxes in April.
But the Republicans want to reconsider paying to the problem of finding a way to make $ 60,000,000 in interest due the federal government.
Rep. Dan Leonard, R-Huntington is the chief negotiator of the issue of House Republicans. He said that talks are underway and we hope that the legislature increased taxes slower phase. To pay for this change, the benefits for some workers, a savings of $ 150,000,000 will be reduced per year. The legislature should also a special edition on companies to pay the interest due.
Leonard said that the maximum weekly working time is unemployment benefits of $ 390 probably will not change and those who are eligible at present, be so.
The only difference is in how to calculate the benefit. Currently, a person can enjoy the latest quarter earnings is based, and Leonard and others want to be an annual calculation.
"We have a prize pool of $ 2000000000 have to fill, and we try to make it as painless as possible," he said.
Rep. David Niezgodski, D-South Bend, will be a key negotiator for the Democrats, is to ensure that the unemployed to focus not injured.
"I know times are hard and we must have respect for companies, but the reality is that thing lasted so long doing nothing, it is difficult for me now put on the shoulders of the unemployed," it said.

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