Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Homeopathy is an old idea, acknowledged by keen observers of nature. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, was born around 460 BC. Recognized that diseases from natural sources as sources of superstitious are popular at the time. He was an attentive observer. Recognized that each case is individual. He also realized that if the case is known so far, what to use similar resources in similar cases.
In addition to the recognition that the body can heal itself, understands the importance of cleanliness, good diet and exercise: the ideas that a few thousand years had become common.
Paracelsus (1493 - 1541) was an alchemist and adoctor. It was against doctors who do more harm than good chair. He said: "All things arepoison because he does nothing without poisonous qualities ... this is just the dose of a poison thing." This thehomeopathicprinciple to use small doses of substances, including poisons. That Health Rested thought "inner harmony of man, something easy to identify homeopaths.
William Cullen (1710 - 1790), a Scottish physician and professor of chemistry, wrote a treatise on Materia Medica 1789th
In 1790, Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of modern dayhomeopathy, this book translated into German. There he discovered the idea that the bark of cinchona the same fever that created so cleverly ahealthyperson cure a patient. It was a eureka moment and Hahnemann experimented with this idea in itself. When he took a dose, he developed the same symptoms known cure. And if, based on ancient wisdom, modern homeopathy was born.
Samuel Hahnemann was a very intelligent man, far ahead of its time. He was a doctor, a pharmacy and a linguist. (He was an expert in Latin, Greek, Italian, Hebrew, Arabic and French.) Concerned Inphilosophyand literature.
His change of homeopathy practicingmedicineto discovery occurred, he considers it unacceptable that you want to continue with the current medical practice do more harm than good.
He spent the rest of his life, experience, observation of the development of the whole philosophy of homeopathy and written instructions for the following professionals. One of his most important notes:
"The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent health or removal and annihilation of all thediseasein in the shortest, most reliable and harmless, easy to understand the principles."
Thenatureof understand the disease, the nature of human nature themedicinesand - the three key areas critical to healing.
The 100 homeopathic medicines in use are both strangely developed today, exactly the same reasons as they were 200 years ago. It can largechangesin our environment and our technology was, but no change in who we are and how we react to pressure from outside.
Much can be done to be with some of the prescription commonremediesin home. But this kind of very sophisticated medical works best when practiced by a trained professional homeopath who works with the understanding of mental and emotional condition of the person so that if miracles happen, when the priest heals.
Homeopathy is one of the few forms of health is aware of the mind-body connection.
Homeopathy works well in animals as it does in humans.
Based on the high ethical procedures, all trials homeopathic (call tests) performed on healthy people.

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