Monday, January 3, 2011

Harold Camping

Harold Camping, it is again. The leader of the Christian radio network of Radio family predicted that the world is ending 31 May I do not think so.

    I believe the Bible is God's word, and there it is, it an end of the world, I think. Here is the site of the camp, and I agree. However, if the company is part of the indication of a date. Jesus said he was not our case.

    Camping said, calculates the time of the end of the world, bringing together the biblical prophecies. When asked about the prediction of 31 December 2012 to Mayan prophecy, camping, said: ". This date is not a point of Biblical authority, it is like a fairy tale."

    I fear we have a case of straw into the boiler black.The same applies to the prediction of Camping!

    If the disciples of Jesus, when he was questioned restoration of the kingdom of Israel, said: "Not for you time or hour, the Father has placed in his power to know"

    What could be clearer?

    Oh, by the way, this is not the first announcement of the campsite. He was wrong in 1994, and it will be wrong again in 2001. If someone makes such predictions, and they are wrong, the Bible refers to a person as a false prophet.

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