Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Gary NG Blog Sex Scandal video

Videos NgScandal Gary, the iPhone Dev Team has redsn0w "beta"of the iPhone jailbreak untethered 4, 4G, iPod touch released. It is beta, so at your own risk and IOS devices that are willing questions test.Known Bluetooth does not work, accidents move as a springboard to tasks, and use function only works on iPod Touch iPod 4G. Read the following carefully before proceeding.

    Gary Ng was told police the women were submitted and reported to police, he said, betrayed by this man's money was. It turned out later that his real name is Chen Guilin. What amuses me is something that indecent catch this prolific photographer, but based on the charge of "fraud ". And money, and that leads to his downfall. A very long fall. Especially in the list of charges, which they bold in red below to look for in the article.
    The three were involved in scandals, photos or videos with a larger number of women. But unlike Edison Hayden and Gary was not a star, but the video scandals made him a celebrity in Asia.It was in March 2009 to expand, two months before the scandals of Hayden, while their own videos on the blog and has started the Attention of world relations. Ng, Gary said that at least 33 videos of crimes with 22 different women.

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