Sunday, January 2, 2011

Dilma Rousseff

President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, has promised that the "scourge" of inflation in order to undermine their plans to prevent poverty in the largest economy in Latin America, extermination, while stimulating economic growth.
"To ensure the continuation of the current cycle of economic growth we need the stability, above all ensure that the price stability," said Rousseff, yesterday in his inaugural speech to Congress. "We will not under any circumstances allow this disease to eat our economic structure and damage to the poorest families."
Rousseff received the presidential sash to a candidate Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who appears as the most popular leader in the folder in Brazil, after having monitored the growth of the past year should be the highest since mid-1980th She promised to contain costs and overcome barriers to sustained growth, as a complex tax system.
first woman president of Brazil said that his "toughest battle" is the elimination of poverty. He stressed that economic growth alone needed jobs for future generations and that the country overcome the inequality of income.
Some 70,000 Brazilians took to the streets to see how Rousseff Brasilia by Congress, the presidential palace displaced. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was in Venezuela of Hugo Chavez in a number of foreign dignitaries, Rousseff, and vice-Michel welcomed Temel followed.
Key Messages
Rousseff in Brasilia with Prince Felipe of Spain, the Uruguayan president, José Mujica, South Korea Prime Minister Kim Sik Hwang, Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Socrates, the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, the first Cuban Vice President met José Ramón Machado Ventura and former Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso to discuss bilateral programs.
With economists in key positions, Rousseff give priority to the modernization of the country, roads, ports and airports before the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games, said David Fleischer, a political analyst at the University of Brasilia. The government, the taxes on capital inflows, that companies with a currency that has strengthened 39 percent against the U.S. dollar since early 2009, increasing to fight, "said Fleischer.
"We will act decisively in the multilateral forums in support of a healthy and balanced economic policy, protecting the country against unfair competition and the flow of speculative capital indiscriminately," said Rousseff.
She also said that the measures can not simplify the tax system of the country to move.
Rousseff implement an adjustment "budget, preserving the investment in the government program aimed at accelerating growth, Paulo Bernardo, who as Minister of Communications, after he will speak as budget minister under Lula, told reporters yesterday.
Rousseff Lula inherited inflation at an annual rate of 5.79 percent. This is less than the 17.2 percent in the first year against Lula in office, although it remains the fastest in 23 months. Inflation will remain above the government target of 4.5 percent by the end of 2011, according to a survey by the Central Bank Economists on 27 Published in December.
Higher rates
Traders enter Paris Governor Alexander engineered road begin raising the Selic rate by 50 basis points overnight to 11.25 percent of the bank in January 18 to 19 meeting, according to Bloomberg estimates are based on futures contracts, interest types of contracts. Prices in Brazil, the second highest among the 20 countries after Argentina.
Rousseff, who served as chief of staff of Lula and the Minister of Energy, had never been a candidate for public office before entering the race was for the presidency. Supported by his former boss, 56 percent of the vote won in a runoff election on 31 October against Jose Serra, former governor of Sao Paulo.
Dozens of dignitaries attended the ceremony, including the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov. Rousseff father emigrated to Brazil from the Eastern European nation in the 1940s.
Rousseff also invited 11 women with whom he shared a jail cell, after the year 1970 for the fight against the military dictatorship in Brazil as a member of the resistance of Palmares VAR group were arrested.
After three years in prison, where he was tortured, Rousseff, studied economics and was in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, with her second husband, Carlos Araujo, a leading metro station. They separated in 1994.
Rousseff, Lula is the Labour Party before his election in 2002. After serving as Minister of Energy, replacing long-time ally of Lula, José Dirceu as chief of staff in 2005 when he and some pillars of the party, the allegations that he knew the payment of termination to the legislature in exchange for votes.
His candidacy was challenged when he announced in April 2009 that he was treated for lymphoma. Five months later, he pronounced the doctors in "good health".
High expectations
The Brazilians have high expectations of Rousseff. His government will be as good if not better, published by Lula 83 percent of respondents to a survey on 22 Datafolha.
Lula, who is prohibited by the constitution from seeking a third consecutive term, leave office with a record 83 percent approval rating, the same survey, that helped lift 21 million people out of poverty and unemployment lower in November from 5.7 percent to a record low.
Investors are cautious. The Bovespa index of most traded stocks fell by 1.9 percent since the election of Rousseff, the reduction in profits last year to 1 percent to an average annual return of 29 percent over the first seven years of Lula in power. Performance last year was the worst in history, when measured in the MSCI Emerging Markets, which rose 17 percent.
The future returns on interest rate contracts increased to increase as investors that Paris, contain costs rose 25 percent last year, contributing to economic growth of 7 to stop, 3 percent, according to estimates by the Central Bank.
overvalued currency
The highest rates of capital that has made the most overvalued currency in the real world after Goldman Sachs Group Inc. According to Lula, the currency gaining more than twice the value at 1.66 per U.S. dollar from 3.54.
Economists expect foreign investment to oil discoveries in deep water of Petroleo Brasileiro SA, controlled by the state to develop in order to strengthen the currency.
Finance Minister Guido Mantega, one of 13 ministers, Lula, who also served in the Cabinet Rousseff tripled to 6 percent in October to stop a tax on capital inflows to the demonstration. Rousseff is likely to take steps to gains come in the real world, "said Mantega 30 December.

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