Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chinese Stealth Fighter

China is still far from a spy plane area, despite the disclosure of the images shows that there appears to have a working prototype, a U.S. Navy official said on Wednesday.

    The Wall Street Journal published photos of what he said seemed a Chinese J-20 prototype stealth fighter in a test of the high speeds are down. The pictures appeared in a number of websites.

    The publication of photographs comes just days before Defense Secretary Robert Gates is scheduled to travel to Beijing.

    Demands that China was the Jet area, said Vice-Admiral David Dorsett, Director of Naval Intelligence, it would years.

    Dorsett told the press published pictures many questions left unanswered. He did not immediately testify to its authenticity.

    "In respect to stealth photos of the IOC (Initial Operational Capability) in the stealth aircraft is still not clear to me when it comes into operation, he said.

    "The development of the Stealth with a prototype and after integration into a combat environment will take some time, " he said.

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