Wednesday, January 5, 2011

112th Congress

The 112-nation conference officially opened Wednesday divided government returned to the capital, while the Republicans have been running the House and increasing their numbers in the Senate.

    At noon, with the words "the House will end, " the secretary opened the new session of the house that will soon rise Rep. John A. Boehner, Ohio, to his new role as spokesman.

    Authorities said Boehner official opening 14.30 clock will take followed by brief remarks by Mr. Boehner.

    But already were signs of change everywhere on Capitol Hill. A new sign appeared in golden letters in the door of the hall of the new president of the company: "Speaker of the House John Boehner A ", he said. A similar sign proclaimed ex, Nancy Pelosi, Democratic leader came out of their new offices.

    In the Senate, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., the senators of the nation vowed in brief ceremonies on the left side of the rostrum in the chamber floor.

    "Congratulations, " said Biden, after reading the oath in small groups. One by one, the new senators required to sign a book, which means your new condition.

    The senators plan to Washington later on Wednesday for three weeks leave but not before the Democratic leadership begin discussions on whether resources in the rules governing the filibuster.

    In the House, Mr. Boehner and his team have other ideas. Help describes a range of 20 days between the opening of the state and the chairman of the nation where they hope to promote their agenda.

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