Monday, July 25, 2011


Jack Layton doesn't do politics halfway, it's always full throttle.
Those who know the NDP leader well speak of his tireless affection for political life, even the most banal BBQs, meetings and endless hours on the phone. That stubborn focus on the game was in full display during the last federal campaign, as he defied the doubters and hobbled across the country at top speed with an injured hip.
But something else is demanding his full attention, and this time Layton is forced to obey.
The veteran politician announced Monday he is battling a new form of cancer and is temporarily stepping down as leader of his party to focus on getting well.
"I think that could work in his favour. It might be one of the reasons that (wife) Olivia and his medical team are saying you have to step away because you need to give battling this cancer and winning 100 per cent focus the same way you give leading a political party...," said Ian Capstick, former press secretary to Layton.
"This isn't a guy that just lets the political party run itself. He acts as the CEO with a lot of vice-presidents. That's what I think he's now going to do with the cancer."
Layton, 61, had been cagey about the full details of his ongoing battle with prostate cancer before the federal election. He caught many in the party by surprise with the news of a new diagnosis.
His normally hearty voice, which he has no trouble throwing across a crowded room, was weak and raspy. His suit jacket was several sizes too big, his face so thin he appeared suddenly elderly.
But following the May 2 election, Layton appeared to be making a full recovery, energetic in the House of Commons and religiously following a new diet and exercise regime with the help of his wife, MP Olivia Chow. His mother-in-law, Ho Sze Chow, who lives with the couple, has helped with traditional Chinese treatments.
NDP MP Pat Martin says he worked out with Layton and Chow in a Parliament Hill gym shortly after the election, where he appeared "buoyed" by his remarkable victory.
But Martin now faces the same nagging question that many in the party have, and in the broader Canadian public as well: Was the federal campaign too much for a man who was still living with cancer?
"He and Olivia both, their work is almost their recreation, so it didn't seem to be any hardship for him to be working unbelievable days or doing five events in the course of a day, in fact each event seemed to give him energy where by the end of the day he was just enthused," said Martin.
"I've never met anybody so perfectly matched to a life in politics. Of course, I have no idea what impact that kind of life has on a medical condition. They were being sensible about his being ill."
Layton isn't expected to give up his BlackBerry, and will most likely keep his eye on the party from the couch. He's a notoriously hands-on leader.
But he'll be leaning more heavily on a tight circle of family and friends now, Chow first among them. His son Mike is a Toronto city councillor, following in his father's footsteps, and daughter Sarah also works in the city for the Stephen Lewis Foundation. Layton is a softie for his granddaughter Beatrice, whose presence will be a tonic.
NDP executive director Brian Topp is also a close Layton confidant, and was diagnosed with prostate cancer around the same time as the leader.
Capstick said the time away from work will allow Layton to get support from others in the family.
"He's got a large extended family and because of his work as an activist first and then as a politician, he hasn't had a lot of time to spend time with them over the years, but when I've seen the Laytons all together, they're a very close group of people and I think those are the people he'll rely on," Capstick said.
But who his caucus and party will rely on is another matter.
Layton's importance in the NDP extends well beyond the electoral success he's been able to score for the team, or his performance in the House of Commons.
Layton is a consensus builder, a master at smoothing feathers and stamping out possible flare-ups. He navigated a potentially divisive vote on the long-gun registry last fall with great care, allowing a free vote that resulted in very little political damage to the NDP.
Martin says it wasn't unusual to get a late-night call from Layton, inquiring about a professional or personal concern.
"That's been probably his greatest characteristic as a leader, and how he engendered not just the unanimous support of the caucus but the unanimous affection and genuine love of the caucus," said Martin.
"We're a party that has absolutely no hint or trace of leadership problems...We love the guy, it's not overstating things at all to say."
Layton's message, via Twitter late Monday afternoon, was one of optimism for his friends and fans.
"Your support and well wishes are so appreciated. Thank you. I will fight this – and beat it."

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