Thursday, July 7, 2011

Big Brother 13

Yep it's that time of the year once again. You know it's deep in the heart of summer when we get ready for Big Brother 13, and you know summer's over when Big Brother's winding down. I'm sure you've all heard the twist with the pairs coming back. I'll look into  who may be coming back, and make a few comments about the 8 new HG's we'll be seeing for the first time. First a few thoughts about the show:
The twists: The Hg's don't know (or didn't know) who's coming back, or if it would be past HG's or what, but trust me they didn't think they were going to be playing an 8 person game. That'll get everyone in a frenzy at the beginning. But didn't they say there's another twist, and that the game will be played differently the first couple of weeks? Man, I sure hope they don't take away too much from the game. Last season I kinda liked "The Saboteur" as it was fun guessing who it was the first week, but there was 2 problems with it: 1- They had the Saboteur lie the 1st week (saying it was safe from eviction then having it turn out to be Annie) so anything it said you knew wan't necessarily true, and 2- The Sabetour didn't really *do* anything. It would just announce things. All in all it didn't take away from the game too much, and that's all I ask.

The production: In my opinion they do a very good job producing the show, the production team always seems to make the show very entertaining even if the week was boring and predictable.

But let's try to do better with the feeds: For starters they need to stop playing the theme music over and over and over and over again when the feeds are being blocked. Also of course without warning the feeds become blocked for several minutes at a time, the comps that take all day,etc. 3 suggestions: 1) Keep a blog on the site giving a short explanation whenever the feeds are blocked for more than a minute. Just let us have an idea why you're doing what you're doing. 2) Give us a rough schedule when you're expecting the feeds to be off for a long period of time, and get the comps done in 2 hours or less. They come up with live comps on TV that can be done in a few minutes, I refuse to believe they can't come up with POV/Food/Luxury comps that get done in 2 hours. 3) When the live show ends, those feeds should be up less than a minute after they're off the air. There's no reason why they can't do this. Not only when the HOH comp is still going, but even after an episode where the HOH comp is completed, it's always interesting to see the reaction of the HG's to what just happened on the live show.

Odds: Once the season gets started, the odds will be the heart of my articles, but since the game hasn't started obviously everybody's 13-1 (assuming there's going to be 14 people playing like we think.) Without knowing for sure which people will be coming back, I'll give it a slight edge that the winner will be someone who has already played even they're just going to be 6 of the 14. I'll say 9-11 odds of a returning HG winning, to 11-9 it'll be a new person. A lot of people get star-struck, and that combined with the past experience of playing is why I give an ever so slight edge to a returning player winning.

New Players: Just a few thoughts each. I've long ago learned not to read too much into each players profile but nevertheless:

Kailia: 30 year old writer. Seems smart , sounds like she could be outspoken.

Cassi: 26 year old model. Anybody's guess.

Dominic: 25 year old college student. Probably will be part of an "alpha-male" alliance. Thinks his downfall will be that he talks too much and doesn't hold back. At least he seems to understand his weaknesses, whereas Matt from last season thought he was the smartest person on the planet.

Keith: 32 year old HR manager. Thinks he has a fool-proof strategy. Maybe he does, but my gut feeling is someone thinking there IS a fool-proof strategy tells me they don't know that much about the game.

Adam: 39 year old Music inventory manager. Could be an interesting fellow.

Shelly: 41 year old outdoors industry executive. I don't really believe in the term "floater", and I seldom use it, but if she doesn't win a comp in the first few weeks she'll get that label pasted on her forehead ( whether she deserves it or not), I base this on 3 things. 1) Women get called that more often than Men. 2) Older people get called that more often than young people. 3) Last year's over-40 female Kathy's entire strategy was throwing every comp, then wrapping her lips around the rear-end of the current HOH. That will stick in people's memory.

Lawon: 39 year old legal clerk. Says his favorite player is Evil Dick. Hmmmm.

Porsche: 23 year old VIP cocktail waitress. Says she's good at lying.

Well we'll see what happens. 5 of the 8 are 30 or over which is good. Only one under 25.

Predictions: Well who's coming back? The consensus seems to be Dick/Danielle, Jeff/Jordan, and Rachel/ Brendon. Of course there's all kinds of rumors. Maybe there will be a 4th couple that'll get eliminated right away. Maybe there will be 16 but they'll play the game like BB9 for 2 weeks and get it down to 12, then resume, or heck if they do that for 3 weeks there'd still be 10 left. My prediction is the aforementioned 3 couples will be back. I won't guess the 2nd twist.

Ok that's all for now, see you next week for more Big Brother 13 Opinions, Odds and Predictions.

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