Friday, July 22, 2011

Alexander Calder Mobiles

A mobile is a type of sculpture that uses the principle of equilibrium, with rods from which weighted objects hang.
The colourful doodle, which is displayed on the website’s homepage, can be moved around on screen on certain browsers.
Calder, who was born on July 22 1898 in Pennsylvania, began his career making toys in Paris.
He later worked in wire creating elaborate sculptures and many of his larger works were displayed in prominent public places.
He died aged in 1978 aged 76 in New York but is regarded as one of the most influential American sculptor and artists of the 20th century.
Google regularly replaces its corporate logo with so called Google doodles which celebrate special occasions.
Recently the search engine celebrated music legend Les Paul’s birthday by featured an animated guitar which could be strummed.
Google also marked the 30th anniversary of the arcade game Pac Man by hosting a playable game on its homepage.

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