Friday, July 1, 2011

Age Of Conan

You know the drill, GeekOlogy: Every time I mention Conan the Barbarian, even tangentially, I'm obligated to post the following video by the Secret Code of the Geekologist's Law.
We knew Age of Conan was heading for a free-to-play release ever since we performed a gory augury using the entrails of a fallen foe. You know how we do. We just weren't sure when, precisely, Funcom would throw open the gates of its bloody, racy MMO for all Barbarian hopefuls. Now, however, the wait is over: Age of Conan: Unchained has arrived with the game's latest patch--version 2.6, the biggest update to the game since the Rise of the Godslayer expansion.
Free-to-play is here, as promised, with a wide array of content available free of charge and a great deal more hidden behind the premium curtain. Yet further treasures await in Age of Conan's glittering hoard. There's new appearance tab functionality in the game, to help manage Funcom's 'vanity armor' items, as well as relaxed difficulty and better rewards from normal mode six-man Khitai dungeons. You've also got pre-made on pre-made PvP action, once again, and there are a couple of new level-scaling solo instances to fuel your climb to the heights of savage glory.

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