Sunday, August 7, 2011

Master Chef

JUST who won MasterChef has been lost under an avalanche of criticism at Channel 10's move to wedge its new DIY series The Renovators into the two-part, three-hour results show.
For those who could stay up long enough, NSW mum Kate Bracks beat out her younger rival, Michael Weldon, to bag $100,000 in prize money and a publishing deal for her own cookbook.
But the program which once prided itself on its family appeal became the main course of outrage online, with viewers, parents especially, giving Ten a serve for drawing out the decider.
The decision was lambasted as "cynical," with the struggling network accused of manipulating the blockbuster's audience over four long hours.
"How dare the Ten Network try to manipulate us like this. We are not children to be told what to watch and when to watch it," raged one post.
Davi wrote: "8 year old and 5 year off to bed in tears. Well done Ten. Split episode an epic fail in this house."
A network spokeswoman declined to comment on the complaints which flooded online fan sites and Facebook.
It will test loyalty to the brand, which has been tarnished this year, amid claims producers manipulated results and complicated challenges.
But criticism of this year's format - including the finale - has taken some of the gloss off the contest.
Ironically, the finale began by going back to the basics of a mystery box and invention test, showcasing the contestants' quick-fire skills. The first phase saw Bracks, 36, of Orange crumble under the pressure early, losing the mystery box race to Weldon by two points.
Her fighting spirit and focus kept her in the contest, delivering up a dish of roasted quail and garlic custard to Weldon's serving of butter-poached lobster with leeks in champagne sauce.
Going for the bubbly too early cost the 24-year-old, giving Bracks the edge in round two (51 to 48 points) but the degree of difficulty sky-rocketed in the final challenge, set by the world's best chef, Noma's Rene Redzepi.
His "Snowman" dish of passionfruit mousse, meringue and carrot sorbet tested both Bracks' dessert skills and Weldon's savoury palette.
After her five-point win (87 to 82), Bracks revealed she had spent time reading Redzepi's cookbook.
"I had a look through his cookbook from Noma and it was one of those books where I thought 'it was beautiful to look at but I'll probably never cook anything from it.' Little did I know," she said.

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